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嬰幼兒 學前孩童 英文啟蒙書籍

書目: 1. Rosie’s Town House; 2. Juliet’s Bakery; 3. Paul’s Pet Shop; 4. Tom’s Toy Shop.

書目: 1. Farm; 2. Garden; 3. Forest; 4. Ocean.

6本小書為:1. Shapes, 2. Transport, 3. Counting, 4. Colours, 5. Wild Animals, 6. Opposites

6本小書為:1. Around the farm, 2. Animal babies, 3. Farm birds, 4. Farm animals, 5. Farm food, 6. Farm noises

 6本小書為:1. First Words, 2. Colours, 3. Opposites, 4. Numbers, 5. Shapes, 6. Time

6本小書為:1. First Words, 2. Colours, 3. Opposites, 4. Numbers, 5. Shapes, 6. Food



1. The Blue Carbuncle
2. A Study in Scarlet
3. The Sign of the Four
4. The Speckled Band
5. The Red-Headed League
6. The Reigate Squires
7. The Naval Treaty
8. The Sussex Vampire
9. The Veiled Lodger
10. The Three Students
(Lexile藍思分級760L - 920L)

1. A Scandal in Bohemia
2. The Copper Beeches
3. The Six Napoleons
4. The Engineer's Thumb
5. Charles Augustus Milverton
6. Silver Blaze
7. The Bruce-Partington Plans
8. The Musgrave Ritual
9. The Stockbroker's Clerk
10. The Final Problem
(Lexile藍思分級570L - 710L)

1. The Empty House
2. The Hound of the Baskervilles
3. The Solitary Cyclist
4. The Dancing Men
5. The Dying Detective
6. The Beryl Coronet
7. The Devil's Foot
8. The Creeping Man
9. The Second Stain
10. The Lion's Mane
(Lexile藍思分級610L - 750L)

1. No Ordinary Boy;
2. The Dark Sorceress;
3. The Sword in the Stone;
4. Twelve Rebel Kings;
5. Gawain and the Green Knight;
6. Tristan and Isolde;
7. Lancelot;
8. The Quest for the Holy Grail;
9. The Death of Merlin;
10. The Fall of Camelot
(Lexile藍思分級580L - 790L)

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